Saudi Interventional Radiology Society

The Executive Board is responsible for strategic planning and is the governing body of SIRS. It has the power to establish standing committees, subcommittees and task forces. It issue regulations governing their duties and responsibilities in order to deliver the society’s mission.

The Executive Board conducts the business of the Society and is responsible for deciding on all matters that are not expressly assigned to any other body of the society. The Executive Board represents the society in its dealings with third parties.

Dr. Majed A. Ashour

Dr. Almamoon Justaniah

Dr.Iyad Feteih

Dr. Shagran Binkhamis

Dr. Bader Al-Mutairi

Dr. Bandar Safari

Dr. Faisal AlAhmari

Dr. Mohammed AlShaikh

Dr. Noha Guzaiz

Dr. Saad AlQahtani

Dr. Walid Asaad

Ms. Hawazeen Abdraboh


Dr. Majed Ashour President
Dr. Almamoon Justaniah Vice-President
Dr.Iyad Feteih General Secretary
Dr. Shagran Binkhamis Treasurer
Dr. Bader Al-Mutairi Exec. Board Member
Dr. Bandar Safari Exec. Board Member
Dr. Faisal AlAhmari Exec. Board Member
Dr. Noha Guzaiz Exec. Board Member
Dr. Saad AlQahtani Exec. Board Member
Dr. Walid Asaad Exec. Board Member
Ms. Hawazeen Abdraboh Coordinator